Routes used to climb Kilimanjaro

There are seven established routes to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. They are: Lemosho, Machame, Marangu, Rongai, Shira, umbwe and Northern Circuit.

Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s tallest mountain, standing at an awe-inspiring 5895 meters above sea level, with its snow-capped peaks visible for miles. Mount Kilimanjaro, located in Tanzania, East Africa, is on many people’s bucket lists and the ultimate goal for many adventurers! Conquering Mount Kilimanjaro is a huge challenge and one of the greatest achievements you can achieve. But which is the best route to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

There are seven routes up the world’s highest freestanding mountain, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Which route you choose depends entirely on your mountain experience, what you want to experience along the way, acclimatization considerations and price.

Marangu Route – The Tourist Route

Distance: 70km / 5 – 6 Days

The Marangu Route is known as the “Tourist Route” or “Coca-Cola Route” due to its popularity and the fact that all the huts along the route once sold Coca-Cola. This is one of the easiest routes up the mountain, following a steady, gentle slope until last night when the grade increased significantly.

The success rate of this route is low because the five days of climbing do not allow for adequate acclimatization. Additionally, the Marangu route attracts many unprepared and untrained tourists, resulting in many having to turn around before reaching Uhuru Peak.

The Marangu route is also the only route in the mountain that uses the same path up and down – so expect it to be busier than the other routes. However, this is the only route with dormitory-style huts along the way, and no camping is allowed. So, if you can’t bear the thought of camping for a week, this is the option for you!

Machame Route – The Popular Route

Distance: 61km / 6 – 7 Days

The Machame Route is one of the most scenic routes to the summit of Kilimanjaro. It is also known as the “Whiskey Route” – because it is more difficult than the Marangu (Coca-Cola) Route. Although the climb is more difficult, the success rate is much higher than the Marangu route.

There are six-day and seven-day itinerary options. The first choice is the seven-day route, which can give you an extra day to adapt. The route has some steep sections and involves many ups and downs – including a challenge on the Barranco Wall! But with the right preparation, the Machame route is definitely achievable.

The scenery along the way is stunning and you’ll pass through four different climate zones, taking in sights like the Shira Plateau and the Lava Towers. This route is great for acclimatization because you can climb high and sleep low. This is also our route to the roof of Africa!

Lemosho Route – The Most Scenic (But Most Expensive) Route

Distance: 67km / 7 – 8 Days

The Lemosho route starts on the west side of the mountain and offers stunning views of the majestic gorges on the west side of Kilimanjaro. The route first takes you through remote rainforest before joining the Machame Route.

This route can be completed in seven to eight days, giving you plenty of time to acclimate, and the success rate is high! One of the only drawbacks to this option is that it tends to be a more expensive option due to the longer distance and remote location.

Shira Route – The “Poor Acclimatisation” Route

Distance: 58km / 6 – 7 Days

The Shira Route also starts on the west side of Kilimanjaro, but starts higher than Lemosho. The first day’s route is a four-wheel drive route, so it can be hiked or driven. However, driving reduces the time your body has to acclimate – as you’ll be hiking from an altitude of over 3,500m!

The Shira Route can be completed in six or seven days, and you should feel confident in your hiking abilities. This route is less crowded than the Machame Trail, but more expensive.

Rongai Route – The Easiest Route

Distance: 74km / 6 – 7 Days

The Rongai Route is the only route starting from the north of the mountain. This route is much drier than the south slope, making it the preferred route during the rainy season. This route is less scenic than the others – however, the campsite at the base of Marvin Creek Peak is one of the most scenic campsites on the mountain!

The hike begins with a steady, gradual climb with campsites staggered. The itinerary usually lasts 7 days, and the success rate of reaching Uhuru Peak is very high.

Umbwe Route – The Most Difficult Route

Distance: 48km / 6 – 7 Days

The Umbwe route requires a quick climb up to Barranco Camp, arriving on the second night, rather than following the alternative route on the third or fourth night. This route is very steep and exposed and not suitable for those with a fear of heights.

This is the most demanding of all seven routes, has poor acclimatization opportunities, and should not be chosen unless you have mountaineering experience.

Northern Circuit – The Longest Route

Distance: 88km / 8 – 9 Days

This is the longest route to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro and one of the routes with the highest success rate. The hike takes eight to nine days and there are plenty of opportunities to climb high and sleep low, which is great for acclimatization.

The hike starts in Shanxi and follows the Lemosho route for the first two days. The route then turns north near the lava tower and loops around the mountain to the summit.


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